Nov 13, 2023Liked by Truth Comes to Light

What an excellent topic to pick for readers of TCTL, and the invaluable selected quotes from the authors.

Personally, I can identify all of my faults in my marriage to my late wife, the Love of My Life. We had plenty of arguments and would-be breakups, but stayed together as the good times outweighed the bad times which I was mostly responsible for, and ultimately, loved and cherished each other more during the last five years of our devotion and love for each other, then all the previous three decades, until her passing.

Thank you Kathleen for posting this article. May it help enrich relationships with others and may we all learn and put into use these (and you can carve them in stone) principles for a successful marriage or relationship.

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Thanks, Frank, for sharing your thoughts with us. ~ Kathleen

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