Jun 10, 2023Liked by Truth Comes to Light

Dear Kathleen,

Thanks for sharing this ominous but relevant and important article with your readers.

Even the California and Western States fires over the past four years have a pattern to them, as in controlled demolitions at construction sites or the Twin Towers and Building 7 on 9/11.

The NWO got away with these man-made capers (not the right word) did planned the worldwide scamdemic with the Covid-19 nonsense, and it worked! These people are rotten to the core in their insatiable desire for control of the planet and everybody and everything on it for their selfish grandiose vision. Humanity better wake up and see the Light (TRUTH) and take ACTION against these scoundrels or posterity will go through hell enslaved by them.

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Thanks for your insightful comment, Frank.

I just received a reminder from another friend of the site about Dane Wigington's "Wildfires As a Weapon: US Military Exposed". I've added it below the article as related.


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Dear Kathy, I finally listened to Dane's bombshell of a report on geoengineering and it's something I've tried warning people about for the 7 or 8 years, as I see the zigzagging chem trails in the sky in my neck of the woods every so often. People think it's "water vapor or exhaust, from those jets and call me a conspiracy theorist. I even take pictures of the "streams" especially when they start spreading over miles and miles and eventually falling to the earth on our soil, vegetation, water, animal and fish beings and the air we breath, but it goes on deaf ears. They remind of Alfred E. Neuman from MAD magazine and his famous three-word byline.

Thanks for posting it again!

Best Regards,


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