A Frequent Question From Readers: How Can I Help?
Can I Send You Recommended Articles & Videos? Can I Send You My Original Work? Can I Write for the Site? Can I Recommend a Topic for Research?
Some have written asking how they can contribute to the main website, truthcomestolight.com, (other than by making a donation). I've pondered this for a long time, trying out many suggestions along the way.
First, it's important to understand that this site is not a money-maker. It's purpose is to be a platform for sharing unfolding information, revealing the hidden truth, etc. All donations go to maintaining hosting in a location where there is a commitment to free speech, maintaining site security, and (in the works) improving the site structure, maintaining backup locations for PDF files of books and documents, etc. Therefore, I can't pay for your services. However, I will give you full credit (using a pseudonym or initials if you wish). And you will have my gratitude and the gratitude of our readers.
Please see below for possible ways to contribute to truthcomestolight.com.
~ Kathleen
Sending videos. Yes, please do. However, sending videos to the site without documentation is mostly a waste of your time. I don't have the time to review everything sent to me. When you feel a video is of importance, if you take the time to transcribe a brief excerpt (or give a summary) and give me a timestamp where key ideas are discussed, I will take the time to look at what you are sharing.
Sharing articles. Sure, this is great. However, I rarely click on links sent without some explanation of what you are sending and why. If you are not a regular reader of this site, please see key categories of focus at the bottom of this page before sending your work.
Writing for the site. Yes, this is always a possibility. You can use a pseudonym if desired. We can work on that after first contact, and you will be listed as a contributing writer at the site.
Recommending topics for research. This is something else I've been asked about many times. Please know that there is no one here with unlimited time (no investigative reporting team). However, we do have one contributing writer who is a great researcher. She might want to take on your project. If you can add your own research with hers, that might interest her more. She volunteers her time, so has to be very selective.
Sharing memes or illustrations. Of course. I'll take a look and repost if it feels relevant to the site. All illustrations and images must be copyright free. If you are a meme-creator, good sources of copyright-free images are pixabay and pexels.
Transcribing videos. This is a big part of the work here. This site rarely posts videos without excerpts or a transcript because the written word is very important. Personally, if I am researching a subject, I never look for videos. I look for articles and documents that can be referenced and quoted.
If you want to give this a try, the way I do it is to convert the video to audio only (I use free open source software for this), then run it through transcribing software. (Office.com is the least expensive option that I've found. There are free transcribers out there but they limit the size of the files. If you know of an open source transcriber available, please send me a note.). Next I go through and listen, correcting errors, researching terminology I'm unfamiliar with (usually science or medical terms), looking for correct spelling of names, places, etc.
If you think you might be up to this task, I welcome you. You might have better, more expedient ways, of doing things. I welcome your input. And, of course, you'll be given full credit for your work with a byline if we run the video and article.
To understand if your work is relevant to this site, below you will find key categories for the site at this time. Of course, this isn't exclusive, and if you understand the spirit of the site, you might offer something not at all on this list. Feel free to send something along just in case it is a good fit for the site.
The Fraud of Virology, Vaccines & Modern Medical Practices
Hidden History of Humanity
Freedom & Natural Law
Questioning the Foundations of "Science"
Alternative Education for Children
Permaculture & Healthy Food Systems
Empowerment of Humanity (including "the resistance" & all things that relate to challenging enslavement via government, accepted narratives, or other false “authority”)
Privacy & Financial Structures
Cover image credit: geralt